Letters & Numbers Overview

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In the Letters & Numbers category children learn about the English alphabet letters, numbers, and even colors! Miss Cullen uses videos from the “Letter Activities with Food by Cullen’s Abc’s” video series as well as other videos that focus on letters, numbers and colors.

Typically on the first day of a theme, during the Letters & Numbers category, Miss Cullen uses one of her “Letter Activities with Food” series videos.  Three things are covered for each letter: viewing upper and lower case letters, making the letter’s sound together, and learning about a food that starts with that letter with Cullen and Gator. In the food section of the videos four of the five senses are incorporated, shape recognition and even good manners are highlighted.  Remember if you use the food at home or in the classroom the rule is, “it has to go in your mouth, but does not have to stay in.” Of course, your child does not have to have the food in hand to to taste to learn and enjoy the video.  Please note, if you do not know if you child is allergic to any foods please do not have them taste any food.

On days 2 and 3 of most themes Miss Cullen will reinforce the letter or number of the week with patterns and/or other activities.  Examples might include decorating the letter by using an art pattern provided or using objects in a fun way to help strengthen the understanding.

The below video is an introduction to the “Letter Activities with Food” video series.

The “Letter Activities with Food by Cullen’s Abc’s” series was inspired by Kayvon Kordestani-Thompson, Kindergarten Teacher at Sartorette Elementary School in San Jose, California, USA. Thanks Kayvon for doing a wonderful job with children and sharing your knowledge with the world!

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