Circle Time

Activity: Write a letter
Skills Materials
Games & Play Music & Movement Prep Video Extra Content

Let’s write a letter and send it in the mail. Discuss with the children about what writing a letter means. You may want to find some examples about what a letter looks like when written properly and ...

Letters & Numbers

Activity: Mailbox and Envelope Matching with the letter X
Skills Materials
Games & Play Music & Movement Prep Video Extra Content

This will be a fun game to work on the letter of our week and many other letters in the alphabet. You could also use it to work on colors, numbers or shapes as well. See the video for ideas on how to ...

Worship Time

Activity: The Good Samaritan-Helping Hands
Skills Materials
Games & Play Music & Movement Prep Video Extra Content

How can you be a helper to others just like the Samaritan man was a helper to the hurt man? Print and cut out the hand pattern and on each hand write a way that we can help others. You can always ...

Art & Science

Activity: Creating a mailing piece
Skills Materials
Games & Play Music & Movement Prep Video Extra Content

Today we are going to make a mail piece and pretend to mail it off!  Gather a bunch of envelopes, stickers, writing utensils and paper for children to decorate and pretend to mail off. You can add a ...