Cullen’s Personal Feedback on Your Child

Hi there! If you have not already be sure to check out my thorough Kindergarten Readiness Evaluation. Unlike other kindergarten tests or readiness assessments once you complete the Kindergarten Readiness Evaluation you will be provided video suggestions, tips and ideas on how to improve skills or keep your child’s skills sharp.

If you’d like to expand on the report that you will receive after completing the evaluation of your child you have the unique opportunity to get my personal feedback; either written feedback with email exchanges or we can set up a live chat video session!

For more details follow these easy steps!

1. Complete a Kindergarten Readiness Evaluation for your child.

2. On the “Evaluation Summary” result page click the red “Cullen’s Personal Feedback” button located in in the center of the screen.

3. Select which option you would like and follow the steps on the screen.

I hope you find the Kindergarten Readiness Evaluation easy and informative! I look forward to working with you soon to develop a plan to improve upon your child’s skills and/or keep their strong skills sharp!


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