Cullen has been working with young children since 1994; falling in love with her profession from the start. Her career began at St. Timothy’s Lutheran School in San Jose, California. She started as a Day Care instructor and transitioned to Preschool, teaching three and four year olds. Cullen also became the Preschool Director and successfully influenced the program’s direction for many years. However, she realized her true love and passion was teaching so she went back to the classroom. At the end of the 2011 school year Cullen “retired” from St Tim’s to reach and teach thousands of children globally on by focusing on Cullen’s Abc’s.
In 2018 Cullen was called to assist with the Kid’s Minstry program at Mountian Life Church in Park City, Utah. God had a bigger plan, and in under a year Cullen was named the Director of the Kid’s Minstry program. She is currently thriving ‘Changing the World for Jesus” with this platform.
Cullen’s legacy will forever tied in her amazing work she has and will continue to do through Cullen’s Abc’s.