Posts By:

Love the Program

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Hi there! This is why I love doing Cullen’s Abc’s. I just received this wonderful feedback: “I love the program.  It is affordable and I love that we can do it at our convenience on our schedule.  We tried another well known program but it just didn’t have what we needed.  I love that you… Read more »

Flyer for Bible Study

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Hi there! Several of you requested a promotional “Growing With God” Preschool Bible Study flyer to printout and post in places. Thank you so much for this suggestion! Just click to download and printout the flyer. Please post it and send me a picture of where you posted it. It would be so cool to… Read more »

March, 2013

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Use this calendar with your child or classroom and follow along with the lesson plans on these themes in the DIY Online Preschool.  To help foster an excitement for learning be sure to print this out and hang it where children can see it and ask questions.  Feel free to contact us at [email protected] with any questions.

A Fisherman’s Net

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Hi there! Now available “A Fisherman’s Net” the sixth lesson of the Wise Men to Easter series of my new Growing With God Preschool Bible Study! All the lessons are free to any current Cullen’s Abc’s members, free with any new membership, or only $3.99 for each lesson. Hope you join me in this study… Read more »

Free Apps!

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Hi there! Did you know I have 6 iPhone/iPad apps that are free for everyone to download? Please share and grab them all now!

Simple & Detailed

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Hi there! Here is some wonderful feedback on the Growing With God Preschool Bible Study lessons. “Wow!!! I am so impressed. It looks like everything has been covered. You have made everything so simple and detailed. It is so easy to follow…especially for those who have never worked in a classroom environment.” Tracy See more user… Read more »

Olympic Activities Packet

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Gold Medal Activities For Preschoolers! Fun & Educational Olympic Activities Burst out of the starting blocks and start doing exciting Olympic themed activities with your preschooler now! In record time you can download these Olympic activities that are fun, develop preschool skills and teach wonderful life lessons. These Olympic activities are from the gold medal… Read more »

Valentine Activities

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Hi there! Hope these preschool activities help you enjoy the love of Valentines Day with your preschooler… To get started be sure to download Cullen’s Abc’s Free Valentines Day iphone/iPad app Valentines Day Countdown Chain How to Make Valentines Day Children Countdown Love Chain Cullen and Gator Interactive Valentines Countdown Love Chain Video Series Songs I… Read more »

Love Lesson

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Hi there! Perfect for Valentine’s Day week the “Good Samaritan” Preschool Bible Study lesson is now available. It is the fourth lesson of “Wise Men to Easter” series of my new Growing With God Preschool Bible Study! All the lessons are free to any Cullen’s Abc’s members, free with any new membership, or only $3.99… Read more »

Enormous Stamp

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Hi there! Would you and your children like to design their own stamp? We are making our own enormous stamp one for art today in the DIY Online Preschool. Show your children some stamps so they can see what different kinds of stamps there are to get some ideas on what they would like to… Read more »