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Weather Dress Me Bear

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I like this bear because you can dress him up for whatever season you’d like. You can play this video and then at the end talk a bit more about the the Fall season and how it is different from the other 3 seasons.

Finger Paint a Pumpkin

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Here is a fun way to introduce colors and colors mixing together to make other colors. Finger-painting a pumpkin is a great way to do that! Click here to watch the video to finger-paint with children. Here is a pattern if you’d like to use it.

N is for Nature

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Click these links for patterns for lower case letter n and upper case letter N so you can print out whichever one you’d like.

Story of Creation

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Here (click here for a PDF version)  is the story of Creation that you can read to children while they are coloring. When they are finished coloring they can use the coloring page to memorize the verse by hanging it their room or on the fridge. In the Beginning Genesis 1-2 A long time ago… Read more »

Zoo Ark Bible Memory Verse Coloring

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Click here for a PDF of the coloring sheet you can download and print out. You can have children coloring this page and start to memorize the Bible verse. The story is below if you would like to read it to them while they are coloring. Noah’s Ark After Adam and Eve left the garden, many people were born. The people kept doing bad things, and they forgot about God. Except Noah. Noah loved God. God was sad that everyone but Noah forgot about him. He told Noah about his plan to start over. “Make yourself an ark,” God said.  “Here’s how.” So Noah and his family began working on the ark. When it was done, God said, “Take your family and two of every animal into the ark.” Animals crept, crawled, hopped, and galloped onto Noah’s new boat. After everyone was inside, the rain began to fall. And fall. And fall. The ark rocked this way and that way on the rising water. Finally, the rain stopped. Water covered everything! Everyone inside the ark was safe. Noah and his family were very happy.  One day, Noah sent a dove to find land. It flew and flew but never found any. So it came back. One week later, Noah sent the dove out again. This time it brought him an olive leaf. Noah cheered, “It must have found land!” The ark finally came to rest on the top of the mountain. God told Noah to leave the ark. Noah and his family praised God. God put a beautiful rainbow in the sky. It was a sign of his promise to never flood the whole earth again. You can have children coloring the page and start to memorize the Bible verse. The story is below if you would like to read it to them while they are coloring.