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Helping Children Express Emotions Appropriately – Tips

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When children start expressing their feelings they need to be able to use kind words when speaking to others. Being able to express emotions and feelings are the beginning stages to making friends and resolving conflicts. Here are a few tips: Give children the words to express their emotions/or how they are feeling. Sometimes children… Read more »

Building Self Confidence in Children -Tips

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Children who have high self-esteem have an easier time handling conflicts, resisting negative pressures, and making friends. They laugh and smile more and have a generally optimistic view of the world and their life. It is easier for them join in, will use words to express themselves, interact with others, are happy and confident, they… Read more »

Helping Children Interact with Children – Tips

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Interactions with other children is important for the development of all children. Through social interactions, children begin to establish a sense of “self” and to learn what others expect of them. When playing with others, children learn appropriate social behaviors, such as sharing, cooperating, and respecting the property of others. In addition, while interacting with… Read more »

Encouraging Children to Trying Something New – Tips

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Children that try new things without having to be pushed or encouraged tend to have more confidence and self esteem than those that require more coaxing. Confident children feel good about themselves and are more willing to try new tasks and learn new things. Children are not born with self-esteem. It is something that is… Read more »

Problem Solving for Children – Tips

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Problem solving helps with critical thinking skills in children. Working with children on how to solve problems on their own will give them greater independence. Start off by giving them the words to say in certain situations. Examples: A child wants a toy another child is playing with.  Say something along these lines:  “may I… Read more »

3 Steps Directions Advice

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If child is having a difficult time follow at 3 step direction start off with a one or two step direction and build up from there. Don’t expect them to do it all at one time, the first time. When child can follow 3 step directions consistently is when they have mastered this skill.

Helping a Child Develop Balance or Balancing – Tips

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Balance is an important gross motor skill for the developing child. Balance helps a child gain confidence, and develop skills with physical movement and coordination. Children use balance while learning to jump with two feet, kick a ball, skip, and even dress themselves. Being able to balance on one foot also demonstrates strong back and… Read more »

Throwing and Catching a Ball Teaching a Child- Tips

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Throwing and catching a ball helps improves fine motor skills, gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination and bilateral coordination (being able to use both sides of their body together to perform a task). How to teach or work on throwing a ball: Use a ball that they can hold, but is not too hard. Set up… Read more »