Posts By:

Wisharoo Park Discount Code!

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Wow! Wisharoo Park is now offering a full season of episodes to friends of Cullen’s Abc’s for only $9.99 & free shipping! Go here to watch mine review video and use our special ordering code.: abc

Christmas Gift

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Strider Bikes are in the top picks on the Holiday Toy List this season! Friends of Cullen’s Abc’s gets free shipping.

Get messy!

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I highly recommend you allow your child to play in the mud&water, fingerpaint, stomp in puddles, paint with pudding, feel shaving cream, etc!

Why I love StarSmilez

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Want to know why I love StarSmilez? Go here to find out.

Free iPhone/iPad Apps!

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Hi there! In loving memory of Steve Jobs all Cullen’s Abc’s iPhone/iPad apps are free this week. Please feel free to share this with your friends.

StarSmilez and Special Olympics

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Loves that StarSmilez is proud to be part of every Special Olympics Special Smiles programs worldwide.

A Little Cullen Bio

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Cullen has been working with young children since 1994; falling in love with her profession from the start. Her career began at St. Timothy’s Lutheran School in San Jose, California. She started as a Day Care instructor and transitioned to Preschool, teaching three and four year olds. Cullen also became the Preschool Director and successfully… Read more »

Brushing Teeth Lesson?

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Teaching a lesson on brushing your teeth? Check out these cute animals to help make the lesson fun. Also, find the free shipping code for friends of Cullen’s Abc’s on this page!