Hi there! Here is another personal blog post. You will find out I feel that same way about bananas and throw up… “Mommy my tummy hurts.”
Space Theme Ideas
Hi there! This week’s theme in the Online Preschool is Space. Explore the theme for some out of this world ideas for home schooling, supplementing live preschool or at your preschool.
Bananas – Yuck!
Hi there! I do not like bananas. Although, I love my son enough to make bananas bread! Here is the report…
Principal Pal
Hi there! Here is a new post on my personal blog: The Principal IS Your PAL. On my new blog my posts are about my relationship with Christ, being a wife, being a parent and anything else that happens that I’d like to share or document. No filters, what you see/read is what you get. Visit my… Read more »
Scholarships? Oh yes!
Hi there! Cullen’s Abc’s offers free memberships or scholarships to qualified families. To apply for a Cullen’s Abc’s scholarship, please send us a short email ([email protected]) explaining your situation and how you plan to use Cullen’s Abc’s and the Online Preschool. All submissions are reviewed on an individual basis. You will find out if you… Read more »
Cullen’s New Personal Blog
Hi there! I’ve always wanted to write a personal blog outside of Cullen’s Abc’s, so today marks my first post to kick off the month of September. I really just want to keep track of what God is doing in my life and thought it would be fun to journal it here. My posts are… Read more »
Seeds Lullaby Album
Hi there! I love Seeds and my family listens to their music everyday. We also have the privilege to work with Seeds and that is wonderful. Please consider helping Seeds Family Worship produce a new lullaby album. Here is a video to learn about the project and simple ways to support. Seeds music is so good for… Read more »
Daniel the Hero!
Hi there! The Daniel Bible Superhero lesson is posted. You and your child will discover why Daniel is a Bible Superhero! Members grab it and any other lesson for free here! If you are not a member you become one here or purchase just the lesson. Watch my video on the Daniel Cross Box below and… Read more »
3 New Bible Superheroes
Hi there! The Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego Bible Superhero lesson is posted. Learn why these three guys are Bible Superheroes! Members grab it and any other lesson for free here! If you are not a member you become one here or purchase just the lesson.
Bible Superhero David
Hi there! The David Bible Superhero lesson is posted. Learn with your child why David is a Bible Superhero! Members grab it and any other lesson for free here! If you are not a member you become one here or purchase just the lesson.