Updates and Reviews

Simple & Detailed

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Hi there! Here is some wonderful feedback on the Growing With God Preschool Bible Study lessons. “Wow!!! I am so impressed. It looks like everything has been covered. You have made everything so simple and detailed. It is so easy to follow…especially for those who have never worked in a classroom environment.” Tracy See more user… Read more »

Olympic Activities Packet

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Gold Medal Activities For Preschoolers! Fun & Educational Olympic Activities Burst out of the starting blocks and start doing exciting Olympic themed activities with your preschooler now! In record time you can download these Olympic activities that are fun, develop preschool skills and teach wonderful life lessons. These Olympic activities are from the gold medal… Read more »

Valentine Activities

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Hi there! Hope these preschool activities help you enjoy the love of Valentines Day with your preschooler… To get started be sure to download Cullen’s Abc’s Free Valentines Day iphone/iPad app Valentines Day Countdown Chain How to Make Valentines Day Children Countdown Love Chain Cullen and Gator Interactive Valentines Countdown Love Chain Video Series Songs I… Read more »

Love Lesson

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Hi there! Perfect for Valentine’s Day week the “Good Samaritan” Preschool Bible Study lesson is now available. It is the fourth lesson of “Wise Men to Easter” series of my new Growing With God Preschool Bible Study! All the lessons are free to any Cullen’s Abc’s members, free with any new membership, or only $3.99… Read more »

Enormous Stamp

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Hi there! Would you and your children like to design their own stamp? We are making our own enormous stamp one for art today in the DIY Online Preschool. Show your children some stamps so they can see what different kinds of stamps there are to get some ideas on what they would like to… Read more »

Olympic Activities!

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Hi there! The Olympics are always fun! Make doing these Olympics activities with your preschooler or children an event! Olympic Torch Olympic Rings Olympic Gold Medal Art Olympic Medal Art Olympic Event Ideas Flag Art Idea Burst out of the starting blocks fast with the Cullen’s Abc’s Olympic Activities download. It is free with any… Read more »

Fishing Pole

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Hi there! For worship time this week in the DIY Online Preschool we are learning about the story “Money in a Fish.” Today we are going to “fish” for our story using a fishing pole. It would be fun to make a fishing pole together.

Write a Letter

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Hi there! Let’s learn about how to go about writing a letter and then write one to a friend or family member. Find some examples of what a letter looks like when properly written and show it to your children. You can send their letter in the mail to someone special for Valentine’s Day.

Mail Carrier Art

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Hi there! We are learning about the job of a mail carrier. Your children can draw a mail carrier and add a hat and a mail bag to their person. Mail Carrier Art video. You can get a conversation going and talk about the job of a mail carrier while they are making their art.

Preschool Prayers

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Hi there! The following are some prayers I have used with preschool children in my classroom, and are used in the “Growing With God” Preschool Bible Study. Make your very own Prayer Cube to make choosing a prayer fun and interactive! After you make the prayer cube roll it and determine which prayer to say! God is… Read more »