How to Introduce the Bible Story
If you’d like to make this an extra special time you can gather together with blankets, pillows, and even light or turn on a candle (making sure to blow it out when finished). Depending on how many children you have you could have one be responsible for getting the pillows, one responsible for helping you to light the candle, and one responsible to blow out the candle. You can change the jobs between the children each week. You can say: “We are going to learn about the story of creation. Do you know what the word creation means? It means to make something. In this story we are going to learn about God creating the world.”
Read the Bible Story
You can read from a Children’s Bible, your Bible or use the following story.
Creation Imagine a place with nothing to see, hear, taste, touch, or smell. No earth. No sky. In the beginning, there was nothing but God the Father, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Darkness was everywhere but God had a plan to create something big.
God separated the light from the darkness. “Let there be light!” he said. And the light turned on. He called the light “day.” And he called the darkness “night.” This was the end of the very first day.
Then God said, “I will divide the waters.” He separated the waters in the clouds above from the waters in the ocean below. He called the space between them “sky.” This was the end of the second day.
Next, God rolled back the waters and some dry ground appeared. He made plants of many shapes and colors. He made mountains, hills and valleys. This was the end of the third day. God put a shining sun in the sky for daytime. He put a glowing moon and twinkling stars in the sky for nighttime. This was the end of the fourth day.
On the fifth day, God made swishy fish and squiggly creatures to live in the ocean. Then God made birds to fly across the sky. On the six day, God made animals to creep, crawl, hop and gallop. Then from the dust, God made the most wonderful creature of all---a person. God named him Adam. God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.
On the seventh day, God rested.
Bible Story Questions & Answers
Talk about what the Bible story was about by asking the children questions. You can decide ahead of time how you want them to answer the questions. I like to have the children raise their hand to answer the question. If they are incorrect that is fine. You can say what the answer is or ask: “Does anyone else have a thought or answer to the question?” Questions to ask if you like:
- What does the word created mean? (To make something)
- Who created the world? (God) How many days did it take for God to create the world? (Six days)
- Do you remember what God made in the six days? (Accept all answers. There are a lot of things to remember.)
- What did God do on the seventh day? (He rested)
- Did God think that all He made was very good? (Yes)
While sitting on the floor with criss cross legs, have the children repeat after you. You can have them fold their hands and close their eyes or just sit quietly and say after you. Following is a prayer written out that you can use, or you can make up your own.
Dear God (children repeat)
Thank you for this day (children repeat)
Thank you creating the world (children repeat)
Thank you for creating me (children repeat)
Thank you for loving me (children repeat)
I love you (children repeat)
Amen. (children repeat)