Get a piece of butcher paper make three sections, or three separate pieces of paper. We will title them three different ways, one: “we like the sun,” two: “we like the snow,” three: we like th ...
Get a piece of butcher paper make three sections, or three separate pieces of paper. We will title them three different ways, one: “we like the sun,” two: “we like the snow,” three: we like the rain. You can write these on the paper and also draw a picture of a sun, rain drops and a snowflake, it doesn’t need to be fancy but just so children can associate the word with the picture. Collect as many different items that you can that would go in these three categories. For example a pair of sunglasses, a bathing suit, mittens, a hat, rain boots and an umbrella. You can put out all of these items mixed up and have your children work together to put them in the correct category.
Read the Bible Story
You can read from a Children’s Bible, your Bible or use the following story.
The Good Samaritan
Luke 10:25-37
One day, a lawyer put Jesus to the test. He said, “I know the ...
Read the Bible Story
You can read from a Children’s Bible, your Bible or use the following story.
The Good Samaritan
Luke 10:25-37
One day, a lawyer put Jesus to the test. He said, “I know the law says to love God with all my heart and to love my neighbor as myself. But who is my neigh- bor?”
Jesus told him this parable:
“A man was on his way to the city of Jericho when he was attacked by robbers. They took his clothes, beat him, stole everything he had and went away. The man was hurt. He needed help. Along came a priest. When he saw the man, he passed on the other side of the road. Along came a helper in the temple. He saw the man but did not stop. Along came a Samaritan man. When he saw the hurt man, he stopped. The Samaritan man put bandages on him cleaned up the man’s wounds. He lifted the man onto his own donkey and took him down the road to an inn to care for him. The Samaritan man took care of him all night long,” said Jesus. “In the morning, the Samaritan man gave the innkeeper two silver coins and said, ‘Take good care of him until I return.’” After Jesus finished the story, he asked, “Who was a neighbor to the injured man?” The lawyer answered, “The Samaritan who took care of the hurt man.” Jesus said, “Yes. Be kind, like that man and love your neighbor.”
The Good Samaritan is the Bible superhero in this story because he helped a man when he was hurt. God wants us to help others just like the Good Samaritan did. Find out more about our Bible Superheroes Cross Boxes.
Bible Story Questions & Answers
Talk about what the Bible story was about by asking the children questions. You can decide ahead of time how you want them to answer the questions. I like to have the children raise their hand to answer the question. If they are incorrect that is fine. You can say what the answer is or ask: “Does anyone else have a thought or answer to the question?”
Questions to ask if you like:
- In the beginning of the story, what did the lawyer ask Jesus? (Who is my neighbor?)
- What happened to the man who was on his way to the city of Jericho? (He was beat up by robbers)
- What did the robbers take? (Took his clothes and stole everything he had)
- Did the priest or the helper in the temple help the hurt man? (No,they walked by him)
- Was that a good choice to not help the man? (No)
- Who helped the hurt man? (The Samaritan man)
- What did the Samaritan man put on his body? (Bandages andcleaned his wounds, owies, or boo-boos)
- What did the Samaritan man put him on? (His donkey)
- Where did the Samaritan man take him? (To an inn)
- Did he take care of the man at the inn? (Yes)
- Do you think the Samaritan man is loving his neighbor? (Yes)
- Who is our neighbor? (Anyone)
While sitting on the floor with criss cross legs, have the children repeat after you. You can have them fold their hands and close their eyes or just sit quietly and say after you. Following is a prayer written out that you can use, or you can make up your own.
Dear God (children repeat)
Thank you for this day (children repeat)
Please help me (children repeat)
To be like Jesus (children repeat)
To help others (children repeat)
And be a good neighbor (children repeat)
I love You (children repeat)
Amen (children repeat)
Strawberries are fun and delicious to eat especially in the summer. We are learning about the season of summer and so we are going to make our very own strawberry today! Here is a strawberry pattern f ...
Strawberries are fun and delicious to eat especially in the summer. We are learning about the season of summer and so we are going to make our very own strawberry today! Here is a strawberry pattern for you to cut out of white construction paper. You will notice the stem as well and I would cut that out of green construction paper for the children to glue on after they have painted. If you’d like to add seeds to the strawberry you can use rice and children can place those onto their strawberry.
After you trace the strawberry onto white construction paper you can have your child cut it out. It may not look like the pattern but that is okay, it’s all about the process they are going through.
Give each child a cut out of a strawberry in white construction paper and a paint brush. Have a bowl with red paint and some glue mixed into the red paint. If children are putting rice on then it will stick to the paint because of the glue in the paint. That way you don’t have to do this when the red paint dries. Children can paint the red onto the the strawberry, put on the rice and add the stem when they are finished painting.
You could even purchase some strawberry shampoo strawberry extract and put a couple of drops into the red paint so that it smells like strawberry.
You could even have a bowl of strawberries for children to look at and taste if they’d like. If you don’t have any real strawberries you could print out some pictures just so they have a point of reference.