How to Introduce the Bible Story
If you’d like to make this an extra special time you can gather together with blankets, pillows, and even light or turn on a candle (making sure to blow it out when finished). Depending on how many children you have you could have one be responsible for getting the pillows, one responsible for helping you to light the candle, and one responsible to blow out the candle. You can change the jobs between the children each week.
You already started introducing the Bible story to your children. You have done so through the Memory Verse Coloring Sheet and the Song. You can say: “We we will learn in this story about a man named Paul. At first he did not like followers of Jesus. Then Paul saw a very bright light and heard the voice of Jesus, he made a change and he became a follower of Jesus like you can.”
Read the Bible Story
You can read from a Children’s Bible, your Bible or use the following story.
A Changed Man
Acts 9:1-19
Saul was a well known religious teacher, that kept to the rules of the religious leaders. He thought he was so important. He was very proud. And very good. But Saul wasn’t very nice.
Saul did not like Jesus followers. He traveled around looking for them. He wanted to catch them and put them in prison. He wanted everyone to forget about Jesus. Saul had never see or met Jesus, so he did not believe he was ever alive or that Jesus was the Rescuer. People that followed Jesus were afraid of Saul.
One day Saul was traveling on the road to a town called Damascus. He was on his way to put some Jesus followers in jail. That day Jesus met Saul…
Suddenly, a bright light from heaven flashed around Saul. “I can’t see!” Saul yelled as he stumbled to the ground. A loud voice asked, “Saul, why are you against me?” Saul was afraid. He cried out, “Who are you?” The voice replied, “I am Jesus, the one you are against.” “Go to the city of Damascus and wait for Me there.” Saul waited in Damascus, terribly afraid and unable to see. But Jesus did not leave him without help.
Jesus soon after appeared to one of his followers Ananias. Jesus sent Ananias to Saul. “Lay your hands on him,” Jesus said to Ananias. “I want Saul to see and be filled with My Holy Spirit.” So Ananias put his hands on Saul’s head and said, “Jesus sent me to you. You may see again. Be filled with the Holy Spirit.” Immediately Saul could see! All at once, Jesus’ Spirit filled his heart with love and joy. Suddenly Saul could see again, but he saw everything differently. He was not mean anymore.
Then Ananias baptized Saul. After this, Saul changed his name to Paul. He was a new man! Instead of not liking Jesus’ followers, Paul loved them. And he became a great follower of Jesus and told many others about Jesus. You can be a great follower of Jesus too.
Bible Story Questions & Answers
Talk about what the Bible story was about by asking the children questions. You can decide ahead of time how you want them to answer the questions. I like to have the children raise their hand to answer the question. If they are incorrect that is fine. You can say what the answer is or ask: “Does anyone else have a thought or answer to the question?”
Questions to ask if you like:
Did Saul like people who believed in Jesus? (No)
Where was he going to put the Jesus followers? (In jail)
What flashed down onto Saul from heaven? (A bright light)
What happened to Saul? (He couldn’t see)
What did the voice ask Saul? (Why are you against me?)
Who was the voice that was talking to Saul? (Jesus)
What was the man’s name that Jesus sent to Saul to help him? (Ananias)
When Ananias laid his hands on him on Saul what happened? (Saul could see)
After Ananias baptized Saul what did Saul change his name to? (Paul)
Did Paul start to follow Jesus and tell others about Jesus? (Yes)
Can we follow Jesus too? (Yes)
While sitting on the floor with criss cross legs, have the children repeat after you. You can have them fold their hands and close their eyes or just sit quietly and say after you. Following is a prayer written out that you can use, or you can make up your own.
Dear Jesus (children repeat)
Thank you for this day (children repeat)
Please help me (children repeat)
to tell others about you (children repeat)
and to follow you (children repeat)
I love You (children repeat)
Amen (children repeat)