You may want to have your children stand up to do this a couple of times since they were sitting before and will be sitting for the story after.
We are going to sing Praise Ye The Lord! Tell the children we are going to praise the Lord like the man in the story is going to praise Jesus. Great reasons to praise the Lord are that He alone can perform miracles and nothing is impossible for Him!
This is a large motor movement song so make sure you have some room to stand up, crouch down and raise your arms. This song Praise Ye The Lord is fun to sing like I do in the video. If you have time you can do it with a parachute, blanket or sheet, children think these are fun ways to sing it as well. If you do have time for a parachute give each child a handle on the parachute and tell them to wait for you to give them the directions. You can say: "I wan you to keep the parachute as still as you can while I give you directions. I want you to hold the handle and get down on your squatters (crouch down position). While we are down here we are going to sing "Hallelu, hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah!" Now we are going to raise the parachute up over our heads and say "Praise Ye The Lord!" We will keep doing it over and over until the end of the song. I need you to watch me and do what I do so we can all work together. Are you ready to do it with me? Okay here we go!"
You will find the lyrics of the song and the directions just below this. You can start off slow, then go a medium speed, and end with a very fast speed. It's okay if it gets mixed up, you are praising the Lord and having fun with the children and that is all that matters. Children can get really crazy with the parachute sometimes so you can always say, "If you are going to be too crazy we won't be able to do this, OR if you are going to be too crazy then you will have to sit out until you are able to control your body, listen to my words and the directions I am giving." You always want to end on a high note with children leaving and wanting to do it all again. You can say, "I'm glad you had a fun time doing this, I had fun too and we will do it all again another time." One more thing, most children are very fascinated with wanting to go under the parachute so at the end you can have a few children go under while the rest count to 10 and shake the parachute while they are under it. Have those children come out and call on a few more to go under until everyone has had a turn.
Hallelu, hallelu, hallelu, halleluja! (squat down)
Praise ye the Lord! (stand up, hands up)
Hallelu, hallelu, hallelu, halleluja! (squat down)
Praise ye the Lord! (stand up, hands up)
Praise ye the Lord! (stand up, hands up)
Halleluja! (squat down)
Praise ye the Lord! (stand up, hands up)
Halleluja! (squat down)
Praise ye the Lord! (stand up, hands up)
Halleluja! (squat down)
Praise ye the Lord! (stand up, hands up)