What are some ways that we can show others that we love them? Write down what the children say. If you’d like to expand on this you could go out and show love to others. Some examples might be: make ...
What are some ways that we can show others that we love them? Write down what the children say. If you’d like to expand on this you could go out and show love to others. Some examples might be: make and bring cookies to firefighters or a neighbor, make a card for a friend or family member and send it in the mail, bring a meal to someone.
Music and Movement: I made a Valentine
Learn about the letter Y with Miss Cullen and Gator. First, Miss Cullen and Gator are going to show the upper and lower case letter Y. Then review the sound of the Y. Next look at three types of food ...
Learn about the letter Y with Miss Cullen and Gator. First, Miss Cullen and Gator are going to show the upper and lower case letter Y. Then review the sound of the Y. Next look at three types of food that start with the letter Y: VVanilla Yogurt, Yogurt Covered Pretzels, Egg Yolk. If you have these items at home you can try them with Miss Cullen and discuss what it feels like, tastes like, sounds like and smells like.
Remember, when trying the different foods, it has to go in your mouth but it doesn't have to stay there. But it is always good to try something new.
Click here to watch the video!
Extra Content: Let’s add Valentine stickers to the letter Yy. You can choose between upper case or lower case letter Yy for children to work on their fine motor skills by peeling and pressing the stickers down onto their letter. Don’t forget to have them say the sound of the letter Vv.
Below you will find the story that you can read to the children, then some questions to ask and a prayer at the end.
You can say: “Today we are going to read about Jesus gathering his twelve dis ...
Below you will find the story that you can read to the children, then some questions to ask and a prayer at the end.
You can say: “Today we are going to read about Jesus gathering his twelve dis- ciples and how they left everything they had to follow him. Do you know what a disciple is? It is a friend or a helper of Jesus. We will learn the names of Jesus’ disciples and how many disciples he picks to come with him.”
Read the Bible Story
You can read from a Children’s Bible, your Bible or use the following story.
Jesus Picks His Disciples
Luke 5:1-11
Jesus began to tell people about God. He knew he had a lot of work to do, and he went to find some helpers. As Jesus was walking along the seashore, he saw some fishermen. Jesus called to them, “Come. Follow me. I will make you fishers of people.” They pulled their boats up on the shore, left everything and followed Jesus.
Their names were Peter, Andrew, James and John. Later, Jesus met a tax col- lector named Matthew. His job was to get the tax money from the people and give it to the King. Matthew quit his job to follow Jesus, too. Jesus chose some more people. Their names were Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, and another man named James. Thaddaeus, Simon, and Judas joined them, too.
Jesus now had twelve new followers, he called them his disciples. Jesus taught them about God’s love.
Bible Story Questions & Answers
Talk about what the Bible story was about by asking the children questions. You can decide ahead of time how you want them to answer the questions. I like to have the children raise their hand to answer the question. If they are incorrect that is fine. You can say what the answer is or ask: “Does anyone else have a thought or answer to the question?”
Questions to ask if you like:
- Where was Jesus walking when he saw the fishermen? (Along theseashore)
- What did Jesus say to the men? (Come. Follow me. I will make youfishers of people)
- What did the men do when Jesus called them to follow him? (Theyleft their boats or wherever they were doing and followed Him)
- Do you remember any of the names of the men who became Jesus’disciples? (Peter, Andrew, James, John, Matthew, Philip, Bartholo-
mew, Thomas, James, Thaddaeus, Simon, and Judas )
- What is a disciple? (A helper and follower of Jesus)
- How many disciples followed Jesus? (12)
- What did Jesus teach them? (About God’s love)
- Do you think it’s a good idea to follow Jesus? (yes)
While sitting on the floor with criss cross legs, have the children repeat after you. You can have them fold their hands and close their eyes or just sit quietly and say after you. Following is a prayer written out that you can use, or you can make up your own.
Dear God (children repeat)
Thank you for this day (children repeat) Please help me (children repeat)
To be a disciple of yours (children repeat) And follow after you (children repeat) By reading the Bible (children repeat) And praying (children repeat)
I love You (children repeat)
Amen (children repeat)
Here is a way to have fun with hearts!
Click here for the video
Click here for the pattern
Here is a way to have fun with hearts!
Click here for the video
Click here for the pattern