Make a poster with the children and discuss each individual right. Explain to the children that when we say ‘we the people’ it is everyone in that group that has come to the same agreement/underst ...
Make a poster with the children and discuss each individual right. Explain to the children that when we say ‘we the people’ it is everyone in that group that has come to the same agreement/understanding. (Here is a website that you can find the constitution just so you can see it and read over it if you would like.) On the poster have the children come up with different rights for themselves. Here are a couple examples:
I have the right to be happy and to be treated fairly in this classroom/home.
(I will respect others.)
I have a right to be safe in this classroom/home.
(I will keep my hands and feet to myself. I will use walking feet.)
I have a right to hear and be heard in this room.
(I will not shout, yell, or make loud noises at inappropriate times.)
I have a right to learn in this room.
(I will use my listening ears and participate in classroom activities.)
I have a right to be myself in this room.
(I will express my feelings and share my words when I have concerns.)
We are learning about Noah obeying God and building an ark for the animals and his family to go inside and be safe from the flood that would come. After the flood God put a beautiful rainbow i ...
We are learning about Noah obeying God and building an ark for the animals and his family to go inside and be safe from the flood that would come. After the flood God put a beautiful rainbow in the sky.
Today we are going to make a rainbow using just three primary colors. You can give children a white piece of paper and show them how to make a rainbow with primary colors or you can give them all six (red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple) of the colors and they can paint it how they'd like.
This Paint A Rainbow video is great for you to watch to get an idea of how to teach the lesson to children or you could play it for the children to use as a lesson. When you are finished teaching or watching then you can have the children paint their own rainbow.
For more fun with Bible Superheroes check out my Bible Superheroes Cross Box.
Fold paper towel in a square and place it in the cup, and soak it with vinegar. Ask the children what will happen to the penny if they put it on the paper towel. Discuss some possibilities, and then h ...
Fold paper towel in a square and place it in the cup, and soak it with vinegar. Ask the children what will happen to the penny if they put it on the paper towel. Discuss some possibilities, and then have children place penny on the vinegar-soaked paper towel.
Let pennies sit overnight. The next day, invite the children to observe any changes. (The face-down side of each penny will have turned bright green.)Show the children a picture of the Statue of Liberty. Guide the children to understand that the vinegar reacted with the copper in pennies, causing them to turn green. A similar change to the Statue of Liberty, with weather and pollution, the statue changed over time.
Extra Content: Let’s make a statue of liberty crown to wear. Click here or the website on how to make the crown. They seem to have made this in a way that uses some materials that I don’t have a home. I would use some green construction paper for the headband and the rays, and if you wanted the rays to be a bit thicker I’d use card stock or poster board. Instead of the 1 inch slits to cut into the paper I’d fold the ends of the rays and tape them onto the headband. It certainly doesn't matter where the children put the rays as it’s all about the process they are going through.