Below you will find the Jesus Is Lost story that you can read to your children. Under that you will see some questions that go along with the story. You can ask your children these questions after reading the story to see if they remember these areas in the story. Just before you are finished you can say a prayer.
You can read from a Children’s Bible, your Bible or use the following story.
Jesus is Lost!
Luke 2:41-52
Jesus grew up in Nazareth. Every year, Jesus and his family would go to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover Feast.* When he was 12 years old they went up to the Feast as usual. The streets were crowded with people.
After the Feast was over and on their way back home to Nazareth, Mary and Joseph couldn’t find Jesus. He had stayed behind in Jerusalem, but they were unaware of it. Thinking he was with them, they traveled on for a day. Then they began looking for him among their relatives and friends. They asked, “Have you seen Jesus?” But no one knew where he was. When they did not find him, they went back to Jerusalem to look for him.
After three days they found him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. The teachers were amazed at his understanding and his answers. Jesus was very wise for such a young boy.
Mary and Joseph rushed to Jesus. “We were so worried about you!” said Mary. Jesus knew God was his Father. He said, “I had to come to my Father’s house.” He loved and obeyed his parents, too. So he returned home with them and grew stronger and wiser. Jesus can be your example. He shows what to be like.
- *In case you have a question about what is Passover here is a preschool answer: “Passover is the festival that reminds us of when the Jewish people were slaves in Egypt a long time ago, and how God freed them from the evil Egyptian king Pharaoh. It reminds us of God’s promise to "pass over” the Jewish people when he sent the last plague onto Egypt. This last plague was the worst one that he sent to force Pharaoh to free the Jews.” For more detailed Passover information from the NSW Board of Jewish Education click here. Use your best judgment when teaching the details of Passover to preschoolers.
Talk about what the Bible story was about by asking the children questions. You can decide ahead of time how you want them to answer the questions. I like to have the children raise their hand to answer the question. If they are incorrect that is fine. You can say what the answer is or ask: “Does anyone else have a thought or answer to the question?”
Questions to ask if you like:
- Where did Jesus and his family go to celebrate the Passover Feast? (To Jerusalem)
- How old was Jesus? (12 years old)
- When they were on their way back home did Mary and Joseph think Jesus was with them? (Yes)
- Was Jesus with them? (No)
- When Mary and Joseph went to look for Jesus where did they find him? (In the temple listening to the teachers and asking questions)
- Did Jesus love and obey his parents? (yes)
- Did Jesus go back home with his parents? (yes)
- Is it good to act and obey like Jesus? (yes)
While sitting on the floor with criss cross legs, have the children repeat after you. You can have them fold their hands and close their eyes or just sit quietly and say after you. Following is a prayer written out that you can use, or you can make up your own.
Dear God (children repeat)
Thank you for this day. (children repeat)
Please help me (children repeat)
to be like Jesus. (children repeat)
To listen and obey (children repeat)
my parents (children repeat)
and to listen to you. (children repeat)
I love You (children repeat)
Amen (children repeat)