Easter Preschool Handouts & Ideas

Easter Preschool Handouts & Ideas

Join over 50,000 happy Cullen’s Abc’s users made up of parents, schools and churches!

FB Ad ImageWith Easter approaching fast here are some easy to use preschool Easter resources for your Sunday School Teachers or parents of preschool aged children.

Hand pick what you need, or use all of the three Easter Preschool Lessons from the 13-week “Growing With God” Preschool Bible Study series.

  • Preschool-friendly, easy to understand Bible Story with Q&A
  • Lessons: Palm Sunday Jesus The King Arrives, Jesus Is Arrested and Crucified, & Easter Sunday Jesus is Risen!
  • Bible Memory Verse Coloring Sheet
  • Art & Craft Projects for Preschoolers
  • Preschool Prayers and Songs
  • Publishing house quality without publishing house price
  • Join now for only $9.95 to receive the entire series, and all the other Cullen’s Abc’s Christian resources


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GWG.Cullen.Quote13 Week Series

Week 1 Lesson: The Wise Men Visit Jesus
Week 2 Lesson: Jesus Is Lost!
Week 3 Lesson: Jesus’ First Miracle
Week 4 Lesson: The Good Samaritan
Week 5 Lesson: Jesus Picks His Disciples
Week 6 Lesson: A Fisherman’s Net
Week 7 Lesson: Jesus Heals a Blind Man
Week 8 Lesson: The Lost Son
Week 9: Jesus Loves Children
Week 10 Lesson: A Poor Woman’s Gift
Week 11 Lesson: Palm Sunday Jesus The King Arrives
Week 12 Lesson: Jesus Is Arrested and Crucified
Week 13 Lesson: Jesus is Risen! Easter Sunday
